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The Producer

Kardon and Yulinda


Sigararutang, LiniS795, Andungsari

Processing Technique:

Wet Hulled Process

Our Coffee:

Kardon and Yulinda


Sumatra is one of those parts of the world that is synonymous with coffee. Kardon and Yulinda, a husband and wife team, source from smallholder farmers in the Lintong area, just south of Sumatra’s Lake Toba, and you can taste all of the hard work that they have put into every cup.

Traditional Sumatran wet-hulled. Farmers pulp, ferment (in bags, 12 hrs) and dry for 3-4 days on their own farms, before pick up by the collector, Kardon. He then “wet hulls” the wet parchment down to green bean and patio dries for additional few days to export level.

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